Saturday, June 2

About POW

POW ratings were desribed before in the rules but I wanted to state that this game is built with the idea of a quite limited power scale so that it is harder to run out of playable cards; meaning that higher numbered cards will be harder to play, and more so if they carry a special effect.

"Block X" is an ability which will be given to certain cards with lower POW values.

it allows you to play this card regardless of it's POW as long as the ability can describe the card played.


(5 Turns in, Josh has 2 Purple cards and Keiran has 3, One of each colour they are all POW 4.)

Josh plays an Armor-King
    [ARMOR KING - T5 - Rare: 6, Purple
        Requires [TENSION 6] (6 cards need to be in play before you can play this card)]

#Design Note: The cards with higher numbers are harder to play

Keiran plays a Blanka
    [BLANKA - SFII - Uncommon: 2, Yellow
        This card's POW is the same as your opponent's last card, cannot be played against yellow.]

#Design Note:  Encourages players to use limiters/mixed colours; 2's are either blockers or cripplers based on POW or colour

 Josh plays Hugo
    [HUGO - SF3 - Special: 6, Purple
        Block - Card that's changed its POW
            This card cannot be played withut -Block- unless there is a POW 2 Purple card in your BP.]

#D.NOTE : This is a card that's a good card to use by surprise, it lurks in your hand.

Keiran plays Momoko
    [MOMOKO - XI - Common: 2, Purple]
        Hype 2: This card gains Block - Purple.
            If you block with this card, your oppoent loses 5 LP
                Draw a card]

Josh plays Gen
    [GEN - A3 - Common; X, Purple
        [X=Cards with 4POW or less in play]

#D.NOTE "X" Will have stupid requirements with a deck usuallly being built around it

Keiran Plays Q
    [Q - SF3 - Special: 6, None
        Shine (You need one card of each colour in you BP to play this card.)
            VS POW = X, 3POW
                VS COLOUR = NONE, +3POW]

#D.NOTE: I'll explain Shine later in depth, there's a more risky version where you have to remove cards from your Battle-Pile called "Tribute" but i'll explain that later too; but they have good conditional effects but more mid-ranged numbers, they are an idea to promto mixed-colour decks.

8 Damage to Josh
-5LP to Josh (Momoko)

I hope that this little transcript will help you in determining how I'm going to balance the "relaive strength" of cards agains the strength of rank; I Hope that this gives an insight into the colour stereotypes too....

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