Friday, June 8

More Previews/Shine Rule Explained!

*YAAAAAAAWN*...........I'm so tired!! -.-

y00000000000000 (That means "Hello" to people who speak proper english, and it's not like "yo" like how americans say it, the proninciation is very strange , the letter "0" yes "Zero" is pronounced like "orgh."..... Another dry fact about me ^_^)

I've finally reached 50 hits!! That means people are AT LEAST taking a look so THANKYOU!!

(I actually wrote this to celebrate)

I've been up working on more cards to try and get a couple of decks together; both decks will contain 40 cards, which is a mixture of each colour and colourless but the exact amounts will be:
  • 9 cards of each colour
  • 2 colourless 
  • 2 colourless with the "shine" rule.
About "Shine":
  1. Cards with the "Shine" logo are all colours but one at a time until they are played, then after they are played they become colourless.
  2. To play a "Shine" card you must have a card of each colour in your battle-pile. (Red Yellow Blue and Purple Inclusive.)
Design Notes on "Shine"
  1. All "Shine" cards will be at least uncommon, there will be no common "Shine" cards.
  2. Their effects are based on the colour of cards present in your opponent's Battle Pile.
  3. They are quite difficult to play and require balanced decks in terms of colour.
  4. They are relatively low POW for the cost thye incurr but are there more for their effects.

 I know the presentation is a bit shoddy for now, but I'm working on a pretty poor machine which makes me use Trillian instead of FaceBook Chat to save RAM, let alone it crashes on me all of the time -.-

Hopefully the finished product will be a lot smarter and neater, and a lot less squashed .

I'm going to bed, my girlfreind is stayng over and she's fell asleep waiting for me to fnish on here :o

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