Wednesday, June 13

Offense, Support and Defence, Strategies Explained.

The project features various cards with a multitude of effects, which players will need to choose from carefully to try and beat their opponent. Even a basic strategy in a deck will throw a deck made from a mish-mash of cards into dissarray when certain card's effects are co-ordinated.

I am sure that there will be many a multi-coloured deck with the release of the first set; due to the introduction of the "Shine" and "Rush" mechanics that work around utilizing different coloured cards with the same number to get all four colours into your pile. When that happens the player may use the more powerful "Shine" cards to throw an opponent's strategy into chaos.

There are also card that block colourless cards, which would give players an opportunity to create a "Counter-Shine" strategy in their decks just in case the "Shine" cards start to be seen too often in the prospective meta.

There are basic ways to play which revolve around basic offense and defence; there are also cards that are able to help a player in realizing their strategy, with a little bit of risk; to an end with very desirable results.

Below are a list of each, including citations of specific cards that can be used to this effect.

  • Adding cards to the battle pile, thus increasing the potential damage (Rush Cards, LNZ)
  • Direct damage effects. (Jack....HWOOOYLE!!)
  • High-Powered cards that unable your opponent to block. (A-2-Da-N)
  • Limiting which cards your opponent can play. (RosieBITES, Skally, A-2Da-N)
  • Counter-Cards (HarrassmentStan, Kofi)
  • Removing cards in your pile when you feel like your going to lose (RoyTheBoy, B0h-Ji)
  • Gaining Life (SianSUPERIOR, RyRy-X)
  • Adding cards to your deck (SianSuperior, Go$hLethal)
  • "[Block = X]" Cards. (PunkleFester, GoshLethal)
  • "High, Throwaways" (R33pz..., Meeky)
  • Remving cards from your opponent's pile (AxlSHINE, RosieBITES)
  • Tutoring, which means searching cards in your deck (JoshDNGR)
  • Making your oppoent discard/draw cards, creating a "hand advantage" (M0sia)
  • Modifying the cards soming next (Kate)
  • Keeping a "Rush" card in case of it being able to be added to a "Rush" (Rush cards in general.)
I hope that this gives you a good idea about what the cards are about, seeing as each card only has one value, and will be a good indicator of a cards actual worth.

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